Trezor Bridge

Trezor Bridge® | Introducing The New Trezor App. Trezor Bridge serves as a vital link between Trezor hardware wallets and software applications, facilitating seamless communication and enhancing secur

Based on the information provided in the search results, here is a summary of what Trezor Bridge is:

  1. Overview:

    • Trezor Bridge is an application that facilitates secure communication between the Trezor hardware wallet and supported web browsers.

    • It is a program designed to run in the background on the user's computer and requires no direct interaction.

  2. Purpose and Functionality:

    • Trezor Bridge eliminates the risk of hacking or cyber-attacks by providing a secure communication channel between the Trezor device and the web browser.

    • It allows users to connect their Trezor hardware wallet to various web-based cryptocurrency wallets and decentralized applications (dApps).

    • Trezor Bridge is necessary for using the Trezor hardware wallet with web-based interfaces, as it acts as an intermediary between the device and the browser.

  3. Installation and Usage:

    • Users can download the latest version of Trezor Bridge directly from the official Trezor website or the Trezor Bridge status page.

    • The installation process varies depending on the operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux), but generally involves running the installer and ensuring the "trezord" process is running in the background.

    • Once installed, Trezor Bridge will automatically facilitate the communication between the Trezor device and the supported web browsers, without requiring any further user interaction.

  4. Transition from Chrome Extension:

    • The Trezor Chrome extension, which was previously used for connecting the Trezor device to the browser, is being phased out due to Google's decision to discontinue Chrome apps.

    • Trezor Bridge is the new communication tool that will replace the Chrome extension, providing a more secure and reliable way to connect the Trezor hardware wallet to web-based interfaces.

In summary, Trezor Bridge is a crucial component for using the Trezor hardware wallet with web-based cryptocurrency wallets and dApps, as it ensures secure communication between the device and the browser.

Last updated